Event networking - b2match
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Cyber Essentials Certified Event Matchmaking Software

You probably already know that personal data is valuable and needs protection. But do you know how to determine which websites care about your data and take measures to protect it? You probably don’t. We share a lot of personal information on the internet every day, and sometimes this data is sensit

Sara Svalina

Jul 28, 20222 min read

Community Platform

b2match Community Platform: Increase Participant Collaboration

On November 15, Interreg Central Europe opened a new call for project proposals. It marked the beginning of a new phase of funding projects aimed at transnational cooperation. Their goal is to tackle challenges and find solutions for a smarter, greener, better connected, and more integrated central

Grgur Tustonjic

Oct 22, 20214 min read

b2b Matchmaking

Brutkasten Interview: Implementing Networking for Virtual and Hybrid Events

brutkasten, Austria's multimedia platform for start-ups, the digital economy and innovation, interviewed Schora Aslanjan, Head of Sales at b2match, the all in one event management software. They discuss what digital b2b matchmaking is and why it’s essential for every event. The interview also deep d

Britta Pichler

Jun 23, 20211 min read

Company News

Event Industry Trends for 2021: Virtual & Hybrid

Are virtual events here to stay or were they just a tool to survive 2020? Mirza: Virtual events have proven themselves in 2020. Looking at our internal data and analyzing our almost 1,000 events for the year, we see an incredible lift in the figures. We see almost a doubling of event participants fo

Britta Pichler

Jan 27, 20216 min read

Company News

How b2match Is Helping EU Business Continuity

As Europe went into lockdown, governments and businesses stuttered to a halt. For weeks in the first half of 2020, there was an echoing silence that rang around the bloc. It was a wait and see phase. However, as the pandemic dragged on, it became clear that a solution was needed. Business had to con

Britta Pichler

Oct 7, 20204 min read