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Job Fair Events

In-person, Hybrid, or Virtual Job Fair Software for Successful Recruiting Events

Discover the advantages of a job fair platform that specializes in event matchmaking. Bring together ideal applicants and recruiters with minimal effort and increase interview numbers with the help of an AI-powered profile recommender.

Contact Sales

Job Board


Applicant Profiles

Company Pages

AI Matchmaking

File Upload

Integrated Video Conferencing

GDPR Compliant

In-person, Hybrid, or Virtual $$Job Fair$$ Software for Successful Recruiting Events
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job board

Feature A Rich, Searchable, and Efficient Job Board

Give job seekers everything they need in one place. Companies can post job offers and display them on a page designed to facilitate opportunities.

  • Companies publish searchable job posts that can be enriched with files, images, videos, etc.
  • The job posts contain multiple tags from different categories that job seekers can use for filtering
  • Job applicants can easily request an interview with the job offer creator
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Company Pages

Highlight Employers with Job Fair Company Pages

Give added visibility to businesses with dedicated job fair company pages where applicants can check out relevant organization information.

  • Allow companies to create their own page and entice job seekers
  • All registered company members can be listed as company representatives
  • Job seekers can find all the company’s job offers in one place
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Applicant Profiles

Utilize Efficient Job Fair Applicant Profiles

Give job seekers an opportunity to shine. Allow them to create and customize their profile in order to attract potential employers.

  • Define what kind of information make up the job applicant profiles
  • Create questions that will be used as filters by employers, such as degree level, experience, etc.
  • Give applicants the option to upload their CVs or any other relevant documents
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job interviews

Set Up a Customizable Job Interview Process

Make recruiting a two way process. To find the best match, both businesses and applicants can utilize the search function and filters to get in touch or schedule a meeting.

  • You decide whether job seekers send meeting requests to companies, or vice-versa
  • Choose between different requesting and scheduling modes and set up booking rules
  • The meetings can be held in-person, or via our built-in video conferencing tool
Explore Our Matchmaking
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success story

JobFair Creates Career Day That Businesses Want to Attend

JobFair was established as an initiative of the Career Service Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, as an annual event of career day with the aim of creating a link between the academic world and the job market.

Read Their Story

Do You Want to Maximize the Potential of Your Job Fair Event?

Contact Sales

Knowledge Is Key, We Happily Share It

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