Event networking - b2match

Event Management Tips

4 Ideas to Creating Powerful Networking Experiences at Hybrid Events


Mar 2, 20234 min read

Networking is a vital part of any business event as it provides an opportunity to meet new people, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful relationships. With the rise of hybrid events, events that combine both virtual and in-person experiences, networking has become more complex. To create powerful networking experiences at hybrid events, event organizers need to be creative and innovative. In this post, we will explore four ideas for creating powerful networking experiences at hybrid events.

1. Virtual Event Networking Lounge

The virtual event networking lounge is a key component in creating a powerful networking experience at hybrid or virtual events. It offers attendees the opportunity to connect with each other in a relaxed and informal setting, which can be more conducive to building meaningful relationships than traditional networking events. In addition, the virtual nature of the lounge means that attendees can connect with each other from anywhere in the world, making it easier to connect with people who share similar interests and goals.

One way to make the virtual event networking lounge more engaging is to include interactive games or challenges that encourage attendees to connect with each other. For example, event organizers could host a scavenger hunt or a trivia game that requires attendees to work together in order to win. This not only creates a fun and interactive environment, but it also helps attendees break the ice and start conversations with each other.

By incorporating interactive games, challenges, and product demos, event organizers can make the virtual networking lounge an exciting and engaging space that encourages attendees to connect with each other and build long-lasting relationships.

2. Event Matchmaking Technology

Matchmaking technology is becoming increasingly popular as a way to create meaningful connections between attendees at hybrid events. By using algorithms to match attendees based on their profile information and activity, the b2match AI event matchmaking technology helps attendees connect with others who share similar interests, job functions, and goals. This can be especially helpful for attendees who are new to the event or industry, and are looking to expand their network.

To maximize the potential of matchmaking technology, event organizers can encourage attendees to fill out their profiles in detail. This means including information such as their industry, job function, interests, and any specific goals they have for attending the event. By doing so, the algorithms used by the matchmaking technology can more accurately match attendees with others who are relevant to them.

AI matchmaking technology is also a powerful tool for creating meaningful connections between attendees at hybrid events. With encouraging attendees to fill out their profiles in detail, highlighting important information in the event platform, and facilitating one-on-one meetings or small group discussions, event organizers can maximize the potential of this technology and create a more engaging and impactful networking experience for attendees.

3. In-Person Networking Opportunities

For hybrid events which have an in-person component, providing opportunities for attendees to network face-to-face is a crucial element of creating a powerful networking experience. In-person interactions can be especially valuable for building relationships and creating long-lasting connections that can extend beyond the duration of the event.

Organized social events such as cocktail receptions, dinners, or networking breakfasts can provide a more structured opportunity for attendees to connect with each other. These events can be themed around specific industries or job functions, allowing attendees to connect with others who share similar interests or goals. Organizers can also incorporate elements such as music, entertainment, or interactive activities to help create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, which can encourage attendees to connect with each other.

Organizers can also incorporate technologies or third-party applications like Sli.do to enhance in-person event networking opportunities. For example, organizers could provide QR codes or other digital tools that attendees can use to connect with each other on social media or other networking platforms.

4. Breakout Sessions

Breakout sessions are a powerful tool for creating meaningful connections between attendees at hybrid events. By providing a smaller, more intimate setting for attendees to connect with each other, breakout sessions can facilitate deeper conversations and more meaningful interactions.

To make sure that breakout sessions are more effective, event organizers should ensure that they are scheduled at times that are convenient for attendees. For example, if attendees are located in different time zones, organizers could schedule breakout sessions at times that work for attendees in multiple time zones. This will help ensure that attendees are able to participate fully in the sessions, and will maximize the potential for meaningful connections. Overall, breakout sessions are an effective way to create powerful networking experiences at hybrid events. By providing a smaller, more intimate setting for attendees to connect with each other, breakout sessions can facilitate deeper conversations and more meaningful interactions. Scheduling sessions at convenient times, publicizing them in the event program, and structuring them around specific topics are some ways organizers can maximize the potential of breakout sessions and create a more engaging and impactful networking experience for attendees.

To create a powerful networking experience at hybrid events with an in-person component, event organizers need to provide opportunities for attendees to network face-to-face. This can be achieved by organizing structured social events and informal opportunities for networking, creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, and incorporating technology. One effective tool for optimizing networking is utilizing the b2match hybrid event networking software, which streamlines the matchmaking process and enables attendees to easily connect and schedule meetings with each other, leading to increased engagement, improved relationships, and a higher return on investment for the event.

Begin your journey towards successful networking events by signing up for a demo or contacting us today.

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