Recruiting Day 2022 der HTBLA Kaindorf
Companies Shine at Recruiting Day HTBLA Kaindorf
Career & Job Fairs
Apr 13, 2022 | 3 min read
80 Virtual Event Sessions Running in Parallel
The Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsges.m.b.H. SFG in cooperation with the HTBLA Kaindorf hosted their 19th Recruiting Day as a virtual event on the b2match AI event matchmaking platform. Styrian companies have been attending for years to present themselves to students as interesting employers.
There were 82 companies and 505 students that participated in the virtual job fair. Companies were given five 30-minute presentation slots. These slots were translated into sessions on the b2match event management platform.
During the one day virtual event, 82 sessions were running in parallel every 30 minutes during which companies presented themselves to students. This was repeated 5x throughout the day.
The event went off without a single technical hitch.
Explore b2match Participant Journey
Customization for a Unique Virtual Job Fair
SFG had a very distinct request for this virtual event. They wanted more control over how and where students signed up for the sessions. The b2match customer success manager understood the importance of the request for the organizers and this virtual event. After talking to and coordinating with the software development team, time was built in to accomplish the task and deliver it on time.
Event Navigation
The Event Navigation contains a list of all event components which can be accessed by the participants or visitors through the navigation bar on the event website. It allows event organizers to customize their event website tabs.
This feature was in beta during the Recruiting Day of the HTBLA Kaindorf event. Therefore, the customer success manager went into the backend and did it for them. (Psst… just for info, event organizers can do this themselves now).

Extra Customer Success Management Support
SFG also took up the option to have extra customer success support to help them through the event setup.
One of the b2match customer success managers, Simone Weinmann, took on the project and guided the event organizers through the process.
Simone noticed they were concerned about everything going well and thought more frequent contact would help make the process smoother for them. She suggested that after each major step in the setup process, she would meet with them and go over everything. Of course, having managed hundreds of events, Simone brought some valuable tips and ideas to the table.
“SFG was just a really nice working relationship. I enjoyed touching base with them and checking in. I liked watching them evolve through the event setup process. And of course, post event, seeing how successful they were.” Simone Weinmann, b2match Customer Success Manager
Participant Preparation Before the Virtual Job Fair
The Recruiting Day is a day for companies to present themselves to the students of the HTL in a sustainable manner and also to bring the right employee into the company later via internships and diploma theses - to the benefit of both sides. The interest of the companies was considerable across all ranges.
The companies had already created a company profile in advance and were able to present themselves to the students via the b2match event networking app.
In addition, students also had the opportunity to book 1:1 meetings with companies in the afternoon. The students took advantage of 67 personal meetings.
In order for the students to get the most out of the virtual career fair, great importance is placed on the appropriate preparation. The students were able to register on the platform, view the company profiles and prepare themselves accordingly.
For SFG, it was a long, interesting and intensive project spanning three months.
We appreciated the cooperation with Simone Weinmann (b2match).” Bettina Sommer, SFG Project Manager - Qualification.
Event organiser:

The Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsges.m.b.H. SFG acts on behalf of the Regional Minister for Economic Affairs. SFG positions itself as an initiator, supporter and promoter of companies in the Styrian province. The portfolio of activities includes promotion campaigns, further education and various financing programs. In addition, the Styrian cluster and network strategy is considered an international brand of success.
Event in numbers:
Total participants
Participants in matchmaking
1:1 Meetings
Visit Event Website