Reporting & analytics
Gain a deeper insight with our reporting & analytics features.
Download substantial spreadsheets for creating extensive event reports and keep track of your participants in real time.
Keep track of your event’s performance with a powerful dashboard.
Analyze data in real-time and get insights on registrations, meeting efficiency and trends in your event’s performance.
Keep an eye on the number of your logged-in participants and website visitors in real time.
See how many participants have logged in the last 30 days and analyze potential trends.
Get detailed statistics about registrations that include data like the number of on-site or remote participants, number of registrations to specific sessions, participants that canceled their attendance, and many other metrics.
The efficiency of your event’s b2b matchmaking can be tracked in our meetings statistics showing you data like the number of attendees participating in matchmaking, meeting request statuses, and other.
Downloadable documents
Improve event reports by downloading automatically created spreadsheets.
Simplify your data management with us. All your event data is collected and contained in a substantial spreadsheet which you can use to create detailed reports.
All your participants’ data is gathered in a substantial spreadsheet which you can easily download and use to create detailed reports.
Get detailed statistics about participants, meetings and meeting ratings in a single spreadsheet summarizing your event.
Download ready-for-print PDF schedules like the table and timeslot schedules or agenda schedules for all participants.
Download all Marketplace opportunities in a single Excel file or PDF catalog.
Knowledge is key, we happily share it.
b2b Matchmaking
Why You Need a Business Matching Software
Professional networking is the main component of all B2B events. Attendees can build new professional relationships through networking, sell or purchase goods and services, and connect with potential employers or employees... It's a never-ending list. Yet, facilitating event matchmaking at B2B event
Nov 10, 20224 min read
Event Management Tips
10 Best Hybrid Event Platforms in 2024
As a result of the two-year lockdown, businesses and event organizers have realized that you can do just as much online as in the real world. This realization also revolutionized the way we organize events. Organizing many events in a row is easier than it used to be, and events have gotten more cos
Nov 7, 20226 min read
b2b Matchmaking
Best Event Networking Apps in 2022
As mobile apps become increasingly prevalent, we can use them for a variety of things, but can they also be used for more efficient networking? Networking is one of the main reasons participants attend an event, but sometimes the process itself can be challenging. This is where the use of an event
Oct 31, 20225 min read