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Product Update

Take Control of Your Email Timing with Email Scheduling

Feb 28, 20241 min read

Ever found yourself in a situation where you've wanted to send out an important email to your event participants but realized it's too late at night? Or perhaps you prefer to draft emails when it suits you but want them sent at a more optimal time for your audience.

To streamline your time management and event coordination, you can now choose to either send an email immediately or schedule it for a later, more convenient time.

Enhanced Communication Channels

We've revamped the navigation within our admin app to make it even easier to manage your communications. Now, all communication channels such as emails, notifications, and the all-new feature announcements are merged under one dropdown labeled "Communications." Additionally, we've renamed the previous "Messages" feature to "Emails" for better clarity.

b2m startup.pngb2m startup.png
Image: New “Communications” drop-down and Emails.

On this page, you can compose an email to your participants or choose an email template, curate a list of recipients, and choose to send the mail now or schedule it.

Schedule an email.pngSchedule an email.png
Image: Scheduling Emails

No Worries about Late Registrants

However, what happens if participants continue to register after you've curated your mailing list and scheduled your email?

To ensure that every participant receives the most relevant information, our dynamic recipient list feature automatically updates based on your specified filters at the time of sending. This guarantees that even late registrants receive all the relevant information.

Dynamic recipient list.pngDynamic recipient list.png
Image: Dynamic recipient list.

We're excited about how this feature will streamline your communication with participants and simplify event organization. Your feedback is our fuel, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts. We're here to make your experience even better!

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