Event networking - b2match


b2match Mobile App: Staying Connected Just Became Easier with Lead Capture

Feb 26, 20242 min read

Participants often meet a number of individuals at events, be it in front of booths or in a lobby. It can be quite a challenge to remember them all or get their contact information fast.

Luckily, the latest update to our mobile event app streamlines connections by empowering participants to swiftly gather contact information and store it all in one place.

Effortless Contact Sharing

To prove that the b2match mobile event app is truly your participants’ ultimate digital networking ally, your participants can now effortlessly share their contact information such as email, phone number, job position and organization name.

With a simple tap on the QR code icon on the Home Screen of the mobile app, participants can instantly access their QR code.

QR code.pngQR code.png
Image: QR code icon on the Home Screen.

Additionally, your participants can always edit the contact information shared with others by editing their profiles within the app!

These QR codes are also utilized during participant check-ins at the event or specific sessions. They are fully compatible and easily scannable with our b2match Entrance mobile check-in app designed for organizers.

Streamlined Lead Retrieval Through QR Codes

Participants can seamlessly save the contact information of interesting individuals they meet at the event by scanning their QR code.

By clicking on the QR code icon on the Home Screen and selecting "Scan," participants can effortlessly capture contact details directly within the app.

To do this, participants just need to tap on the QR code icon on the Home Screen and then press on Scan. This will open the scanner on their phone. Then, they point their phone at the QR code of the other participant and scan it. The contact information will be stored directly in the app.

Image: QR Code Scanner.

All Your Contacts in One Place

Every good thing comes to an end and while that is true for events, don’t let this be the case with your participants’ engagement!

All the leads that your participants gather while mingling at the event are conveniently stored in the Contacts screen, easily accessible from the left sidebar.

Contacts Menu.pngContacts Menu.png
Image: Contacts icon on the left sidebar.

Here, participants can share the contact information of the individual whose details they've acquired, call or email them by clicking on their contact, or even export and download all the obtained leads as a PDF or XSLX file directly to their phone.

Image: Contacts Screen.

This exciting update will supercharge your participants' lead retrieval, enabling them to gather leads more efficiently and swiftly, all without worrying about accidentally losing or deleting important contacts.

The Lead Retrieval feature is not automatically integrated into the mobile event app. Reach out to our customer support team to enable the Lead Retrieval feature for your event!

Inspired? Get in touch and let's make your next event a success!

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