Event networking - b2match

Product Update

Elevate Participant Engagement through Interactivity: Unveiling Home Page Editor Updates!

Nov 28, 20231 min read

First impressions count. Your event's home page is the first glimpse of your event that potential attendees get, so why not make it pop? We've got fantastic updates for event organizers ready to take their event websites to the next level!

Custom Dynamic Content

Meet the new star between sections in the Home Page Editor — Custom Embeds! Now you can add a personal touch by embedding external content right into your event website. All you need is the iframe code of the content you want.

For example, you can embed a Google Maps iframe, letting attendees explore the location of the event venue with zoom, pan, and interactive map features. Forget static images of the venue location — let your participants dive into the surroundings!

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Image: Custom embedded content on the event website.

Gateway to External Pages

Imagine this: a big button on an event page. Will you resist clicking? Probably not! We get it; buttons are irresistible. That's why you can now sprinkle Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons across every section of the home page editor.

You can decide what will be written on the button and to which external page they lead. Clicking a CTA button whisks participants away to your chosen page.

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Image: Call-to-action button shown on the event website.

We believe these updates will supercharge your event website creation skills, making your events even more engaging and interactive.

Explore the full potential of our Home Page Editor through our demo event website. Navigate the pages of our demo event website, created specifically for you to witness firsthand what can be accomplished with the updated Home Page Editor. Click through, explore, and envision the incredible possibilities this powerful tool has in store for you.

Your feedback is our fuel, driving constant improvements. So, don't hesitate to share your thoughts, and let's keep making your event management game strong!

Inspired? Get in Touch and Let Us Help Make Your Next Event a Success.

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