Event networking - b2match

ZE-Gen Accelerator Collaboration Building: Nigeria and The Philippines 2023 - 2025


Nov 13, 2023 - Mar 31, 2025

United Kingdom



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About this event

Join the virtual brokerage to find partners for your Innovate UK Ze-Gen application. Throughout November and December, this website will host 1:1 virtual meetings to discuss project opportunities and facilitate introductions between organisations to help provide a solution to clean alternatives to fossil fuel generators. ZE-Gen has the aim of accelerating a just transition away from fossil fuel powered generators to clean energy alternatives with a focus initially in Nigeria and the Philippines. The ZE-Gen programme is being co-delivered by Innovate UK and the Carbon Trust and is funded by UK aid through the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and Department for Science Innovation and Technology (DSIT). The programme was first launch at COP27 in November 2022 and complements Innovate UK’s highly regarded Energy Catalyst Programme. Whilst Energy Catalyst focusses on clean energy access in general, ZE-Gen has a focus on replacing fossil fuel generators with sustainable, zero emission alternatives. This is being achieved through a range of interventions including grant funding, procurement, and market insights. The programme is backed by up to £13m of UK aid funding, this includes £2m on a precommercial procurement demonstrator (24/25 – 25/26) and up to £11m on a technology accelerator grant programme (24/25 – 26/27). Both tranches will have a significant international element to them, with the accelerator being purely focussed on Nigeria and the Philippines. The b2match will help with building the collaborative relationships needed for the funding.

Event Organiser

Innovate UK EDGE