Event networking - b2match

Matchmaking event G-STIC Climate Action Programme - Call 2022


May 17 - 18, 2022




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About this event

To support developing countries in the fight against climate change, the Government of Flanders launched in 2021 the G-STIC Climate Action Programme. In 2022, the Government of Flanders provides 15,88 million euros for the second project call of the G-STIC Climate Action Programme. These subsidies are meant for both demonstration projects as well as dissemination & capacity building projects implemented by Flemish organisations in developing countries. The projects should directly and explicitly aim at climate adaptation and/or mitigation actions in line with the OECD Handbook. (https://www.oecd.org/dac/environment-development/Revised%20climate%20marker%20handbook_FINAL.pdf) They must focus on areas where climate-related solutions can be expected to have maximal impact, preferably in one or more of the following seven sectors: Agriculture, Biodiversity, Education & Research, Energy, Environmental Policy, Transport and Water & Sanitation. The second project call of the G-STIC Climate Action Programme will be launched at the online matchmaking event on 17 – 18 May 2022. During this event you will find out all the details of this call. If you have an idea for such a project, but you are still looking for potential partner(s), then you may not miss this opportunity. Whether you are offering or seeking climate-related solutions, you will have the chance to find and meet potential partners.

Event Organiser

Enterprise Europe Network