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Event-Networking - b2match

Britta Pichler

16. Juni 20201 min Lesezeit

The sign of a successful virtual event is when your attendees ask for more. More time, more meetups, more ideas. Organizers have been getting feedback from participants that they would like to manage more meetings after an event, no matter the type - virtual, in-person or hybrid event networking.

How to deliver? Offer up b2match’s post event matchmaking option. What exactly does this mean? Post event matchmaking can be seen as a session, however it just lasts for longer a period of time, for example, a week or a month. It is a period when attendees are able to meet anytime they agree on.

To promote this highly sought after feature to participants, organizers can:

  • Add a note on the event website and mention that the meetings are now taking place after the event
  • Send attendees a message from the b2match event matchmaking software

What is the participant’s experience? It remains the same as regular virtual meetings, with one exception. In post event matchmaking, the participants have the flexibility to choose meeting lengths. They use the meeting interface which includes a calendar, messaging for participants to discuss times, and even a time zone management tool. It indicates time windows matching both parties' business hours, in the moment when the meeting is requested.

Example of Post Event Matchmaking Feature Used At An Event

Screenshot of Horizon Europe Digital Face2Face Brokerage event website selected on post event matchmaking page to inform attendees they can sign up for it.Screenshot of Horizon Europe Digital Face2Face Brokerage event website selected on post event matchmaking page to inform attendees they can sign up for it.

Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation. It tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness. They chose to use b2match to extend the reach of their program utilizing our post event matchmaking options.

Inspiriert? Kontaktieren Sie uns und lassen Sie uns Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr nächstes Event zu einem Erfolg zu machen.

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