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Event-Networking - b2match

Meeting Ratings

Gain Valuable Insight With Meeting Ratings

Find out how the event matchmaking on your b2b event really went and how satisfied your participants were.

Star-based Ratings


Rating Reminders

EEN Ratings

Excel Export

Gain Valuable Insight With $$Meeting Ratings$$

Meeting ratings

Participants Rate Each Meeting With A Familiar Rating System

Get valuable insights into the success of your event’s b2b matchmaking by utilizing the simple and intuitive meeting ratings tool.

Participants can rate their meetings on a scale from one to five and leave any comments they might have. If a meeting did not take place, an additional label can be selected.

Our EEN partners have the option to select the standardized EEN ratings. In the EEN ratings, each label has a more specific meaning, providing more information to the event organizers.

Ratings Reminders.png

ratings reminders

Participants Are Reminded To Rate Their Meetings Via Notifications

  • Participants can rate their meetings as soon as they are over
  • In case they don’t rate them within five minutes, they get a notification
  • Our interactive notifications allow rating the meetings through the notifications, without having to leave the page

Read more about notifications

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