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Life as a UX/UI & Product Designer at b2match


7. März 20246 min Lesezeit

Creating design isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s about creating experiences that inspire and captivate users. To give you a behind-the-scenes look at what it's like to be part of our passionate design community, we sat down with Vesna, our team lead in the design department.

1. Vesna, can you walk us through a typical day as a mid/senior product designer on your team? What are some of the key tasks and responsibilities?

First things first, coffee and breakfast! Our working hours are flexible, and each member of the team has their own routine, though we usually come in around 9 or 10 am. Then, I review my pending and active tasks to see where I left off.

I start with tasks needed for ongoing development and the ones that are high in priority to make sure none of my coworkers are blocked. During the design phase of a feature, I tend to ask our project manager and assigned developers for any clarifications that I need, and for their opinions on the feature once it’s shaped enough to make sense when presented. I believe that this helps me deliver mockups that are easier to develop, work well with, and fit in with the rest of the product.

From my experience at b2match, people always make time to help their coworkers or discuss questions they might have. Sometimes the tasks I do are as small as updating a few lines of copy, other times they’re as big as creating an entire feature or section of the product from the ground up, including going over user flows, creating wireframes, presenting the ideas to the stakeholders, and turning everything into high-fidelity, pixel-perfect designs with documentation. I feel like my expertise and experience are valued when proposing features and improvements, and even if they don’t align with the vision that the stakeholders have for the product, there is always a constructive discussion.

When working in Figma, if I notice something that could be improved or optimized to help us build our UIs, I check with the team and propose the changes that I can do quickly. If it’s something that would take a bit more time, I create tasks or note it as a topic for an Innovation Day, an initiative that lets us take one day per sprint to improve ourselves or our tools/systems. Throughout the day, we take occasional breaks either in the kitchen, outside for fresh air, or during lunch breaks where we usually discuss random topics over food and coffee. It is easy and enjoyable working here no matter how busy it may get because people are supportive, friendly, and open to discussion and compromise.

2. What tools and software does your team rely on for UX/UI design and product development? Are there any tools or platforms that stand out as favorites?

Four years ago, we started using Figma and we absolutely fell in love with the tools. We use Figma for creating mockups and prototypes and FigJam is used in the process of user flow and user journey research.

To keep things organized within our team, we use Linear, a work management tool where we plan our sprints.

For communication with the team and with others in the company, we use Slack where we have our design team channel so everybody’s on the same track.

Another tool that is close to our heart but isn’t necessarily an “official” tool is Notion. Team members usually make their to-do lists for smaller tasks, for gathering ideas, and visions, for research, etc. Basically, Notion is where we gather ideas before they are accepted.

3. Could you share some insights into the collaboration process within your team? How do team members communicate and work together on projects?

We are really a small team of designers. There are three of us: 2 product & UX/UI designers and one marketing designer. Currently, there is only one designer working on a dedicated project, but we’re always happy to help each other.

Even though we don’t work together on projects, we are continuously collaborating, sharing feedback, and making decisions together. We have 2 team meetings per week where we plan our sprint, discuss problems, brainstorm, and try to find solutions.

4. In your opinion, what qualities or skills are most important for success in a mid/senior product designer role within your team?

Well, next to technical competencies, such as proficiency in design software like Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, or similar tools (ideally Figma), it’s important to be familiar with design principles, design thinking, wireframing, copywriting, prototyping, UI design, UX research, and usability testing. Alongside these technical skills, we place a strong focus on soft skills.

In our team, we value open communication, fostering an environment where problems can be discussed honestly and openly.

As designers, we prioritize empathy and problem-solving abilities. Empathy enables us to understand the needs and frustrations of end-users, while problem-solving skills allow us to think outside the box when encountering obstacles such as conflicting requirements or technical limitations. For example, when developing a mobile app, understanding the challenges users face with navigation or accessibility enhances our ability to craft a more user-friendly interface. By stepping into their shoes and thinking outside the box, we can devise solutions that effectively address their concerns.

5. What opportunities for growth and development are available for product designers within your team? How do you support professional development and skill enhancement?

There are a lot of development opportunities and I’m the perfect example for it! I started my career at b2match as a junior frontend developer, but during my time here I also worked a bit in marketing, but since I always had the wish to work in product design, b2match gave me the opportunity to change my career path.

What’s also really cool is that each employee has their own development budget they can spend on books, conferences, or certificates.

6. What are some of the most exciting or rewarding projects that the team has worked on recently?

Recently, we had a real development marathon to update both our web and mobile applications from a design perspective. This involved a complete redesign and rebuilding process from the ground up. The entire team collaborated closely, and everyone was really motivated and couldn’t wait for user feedback.

For us as designers, it was a big, but rewarding project. Even though we've been using Figma for four years, it was difficult to work since the designs and mockups of the old app weren't available there. But during this project and process of rebuilding the web and mobile applications, we created a brand new design system from scratch. Now, we finally have all our designs for the web application, mobile application, and our product website in one place, resulting in a more organized and streamlined workflow.

7. Lastly, how would you describe the team culture within the UI/UX/Product design team? What values or principles guide the team's work and interactions?

The most important values are understanding and respect. We value openness, being able to talk openly, keeping it as friendly as professional, and of course, being willing to help others. We always ask each other for feedback, so being open and communicating in a friendly, yet professional manner, helps us deliver a product we can all be proud of.

So, do you see yourself fitting right in with our team of talented designers? We'd love to welcome you aboard!

But hey, even if design isn't your thing, we're always searching for talented individuals eager to join the b2match family. Send us your CV and let's make great things happen together!

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