Enterprise Europe Network - the worldwide biggest support network for SME to internationalize and innovate!
Please contact me for further information.
innovation Internationalisierung
Enterprise Europe Network - the worldwide biggest support network for SME to internationalize and innovate!
Please contact me for further information.
innovation Internationalisierung
Internationalization sustainability networking B2B Matchmaking Interests
innovative Upper Austrian SMEs
Internationalization sustainability networking B2B Matchmaking Interests
innovative Upper Austrian SMEs Project manager of the Enterprise Europe Network Innovation/Technology transfer manager
Digitalisation consultancy services - EDIH
Innovation/Technology transfer services
Project manager of the Enterprise Europe Network Innovation/Technology transfer manager
Digitalisation consultancy services - EDIH
Innovation/Technology transfer services Business Development Manager
Bratislava, Slovakia
Bespoke software development done right. Mobile applications, Web apps, custom and complex solutions. Nearshoring & Offshoring.
Software development industry software web platforms data processing, validation, visualization mobile view and mobile apps Java, .NET, C#, C++, Angular & React, Swift/Kotlin Interests
interested in finding customers and partners
Bespoke software development done right. Mobile applications, Web apps, custom and complex solutions. Nearshoring & Offshoring.
Software development industry software web platforms data processing, validation, visualization mobile view and mobile apps Java, .NET, C#, C++, Angular & React, Swift/Kotlin Interests
interested in finding customers and partners Speaker CEO
Brno, Czech Republic
Intemac Solutions s.r.o
Experienced Product Development, Technology and Manufacturing leader, working for non profite org on consulting, servicing in digitisation for MSCs in region.
Industry leadership and management Automotive systems/components product development Industrialisation and manufacturing lean production and automation six sigma Product development process industrialization strategy planning and deployment Interests
automation and digitalization Industry 4.0 automotive Industry aerospace industry manufacturing process fish keeping and natural aquarium sport- running, cycling, rugby, Eishockey
Experienced Product Development, Technology and Manufacturing leader, working for non profite org on consulting, servicing in digitisation for MSCs in region.
Industry leadership and management Automotive systems/components product development Industrialisation and manufacturing lean production and automation six sigma Product development process industrialization strategy planning and deployment Interests
automation and digitalization Industry 4.0 automotive Industry aerospace industry manufacturing process fish keeping and natural aquarium sport- running, cycling, rugby, Eishockey Speaker managing director
Milovice, Czech Republic
ZEBR s.r.o.
innovations Automation machinery Interests
Cooperation process digitalization precise manufacturing
innovations Automation machinery Interests
Cooperation process digitalization precise manufacturing JD Head of Support
Brno, Czech Republic
Over the past seven years, I've had the incredible opportunity to manage a multitude of UWB-based RTLS projects across the globe.
UWB RTLS Problem solving project management adaptation Interests
Future of digitization Time to Value in digitization ROI calculation
Over the past seven years, I've had the incredible opportunity to manage a multitude of UWB-based RTLS projects across the globe.
UWB RTLS Problem solving project management adaptation Interests
Future of digitization Time to Value in digitization ROI calculation Speaker Co-Director
TU Wien
Wien, Austria
EIT Manufcturng
AI sustainable manufacturing
AI sustainable manufacturing Senior Project Manager
Vienna, Austria
EIT Manufacturing
Developing manufacturing innovation strategy and policy recommendations.
manufacturing startups innovation Policy Strategy Interests
startups manufacturing networking
Developing manufacturing innovation strategy and policy recommendations.
manufacturing startups innovation Policy Strategy Interests
startups manufacturing networking
Robotic Production Technology International research projects
Robotic Production Technology International research projects Fachexperte
Wien, Austria
Project & Funding Management
1070, Austria
Malgorzata Goraczek
I help individuals and organizations achieve success in their funding journey.
#project #management #funding Interests
#innovation #ict #manufacturing
I help individuals and organizations achieve success in their funding journey.
#project #management #funding Interests
#innovation #ict #manufacturing Specialist Project Support
Vienna, Austria
TU Wien
Funding Advisor, Post-Award Project Management
Funding Advisor, Project Management
Funding Advisor, Post-Award Project Management
Funding Advisor, Project Management
ICT Infrastructure ICT Infrastructure for AI Datacenter API IAM DevOps Tools DBaaS GPU Servers Scalable Kubernetes Services Public cloud Private cloud Backup as a Service manufacturing Gaia-X Interests
GPU Servers ICT Infrastructure EuroCloud Austria Data Sovereignty AI manufacturing Gaia-X
ICT Infrastructure ICT Infrastructure for AI Datacenter API IAM DevOps Tools DBaaS GPU Servers Scalable Kubernetes Services Public cloud Private cloud Backup as a Service manufacturing Gaia-X Interests
GPU Servers ICT Infrastructure EuroCloud Austria Data Sovereignty AI manufacturing Gaia-X DS Specialist in Strategy, Business Development & Innovation
Vienna, Austria
Aluflexpack AG
Representing Innovation team at Aluflexpack AG. Developing future business models in packaging: circularity, sustainability, smart packaging, AI / manufacturing
Business Development innovation Business Strategy Interests
digitalisation AI Automatisation
Representing Innovation team at Aluflexpack AG. Developing future business models in packaging: circularity, sustainability, smart packaging, AI / manufacturing
Business Development innovation Business Strategy Interests
digitalisation AI Automatisation Research Assistant
Vienna, Austria
TU Wien
inclusive design Knowledge Management project management Interests
inclusive design data-driven modeling
inclusive design Knowledge Management project management Interests
inclusive design data-driven modeling Research Assistant
Vienna, Austria
TU Wien
maintenance human-machine interaction production management Interests
Reciprocal learning work-based learning Inclusion learning assistance systems
maintenance human-machine interaction production management Interests
Reciprocal learning work-based learning Inclusion learning assistance systems Co-founder, CTO
Vienna, Austria
I'm architect, developing now a Modulmatik as an ecosystem for off-site wooden construction industry.
architecture wooden constructions Start-up BIM prefabrication Interests
Automatisation Industry 4.0 optimisation AR Reality on factory Robotic generative design AI Supply Chain Management
I'm architect, developing now a Modulmatik as an ecosystem for off-site wooden construction industry.
architecture wooden constructions Start-up BIM prefabrication Interests
Automatisation Industry 4.0 optimisation AR Reality on factory Robotic generative design AI Supply Chain Management Load more