
22–23 Sept 2023 | Larissa, Greece

Carla Cruz

Research Institution

Covilhã, Portugal
1 profile visit


The University of Beira Interior (UBI) is one of the youngest public universities in Portugal and a member of the UNITA (Universitas Montium) Consortium. Fundamental and applied research activities are developed through national and international projects and consortia, in close collaboration with regional, national, and international industry partners and other organizations. The innovation and technology incubator/accelerator UBIMedical/UBIExecutive boosts the communication between research and business.

Health Sciences Research Center (CICS)-UBI is an interdisciplinary R&D unit at the crossroads of Biomedicine and Biotechnology that aims to: i) investigate the molecular basis of neurological, neurovascular, respiratory, infectious diseases, endocrine disorders, and cancer, and to ii) develop novel drugs, biopharmaceuticals, biomaterials, and new drug delivery systems. CICS-UBI has 63 PhD members allocated to 4 research groups: Biomedicinal Chemistry/Drug Research; Biopharmaceuticals/Biomaterials; Hormones/Metabolism; and Neurologic/Neurovascular Disorders. CICS-UBI infrastructures include animal facilities, Bioimaging and NMR infrastructures, genomics, proteomics, cell culture, flow cytometry, electrophysiology, microbiology, chromatography, organic synthesis, and pharmaceutical technology laboratories.


Drug DevelopmentIn-Vitro-DiagnosticsAdvanced Therapies incl. Cell and Gen Therapies


Carla Cruz

Assistant Professor