Impact Days 2024

5–7 Jun 2024 | Vienna, Austria

Alma Zadic

Federal Minister of Justice of the Republic of Austria

Republic of Austria

Vienna, Austria

38 profile visitsSpeakerSpeaker


Dr. Alma Zadić, LL.M. is Federal Minister of Justice of the Republic of Austria. Before that, she was as a member of the Austrian National Council and worked as a lawyer in Vienna. She completed her doctoral studies in law at the University of Vienna and a postgraduate degree (LL.M.) at Columbia University in New York, USA. Her dedication to human rights and (social) justice drove her to politics. Those topics as well as democracy, transparency, gender equality, women empowerment and the fight against hate speech have always been a matter of great importance to her and are now at the centre of her political work.

My organisation

Republic of Austria

We are the Republic of Austria, a central European country known for our stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and historical significance. Our commitment to democracy, sustainability, and innovation has made us a key player in the European Union and a hub for business and cultural exchange. Join us to discover the charm and opportunities that Austria has to offer at our networking event!

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 6 June 2024

10:30 - 11:30

Opening Ceremony

Location:Hofburg - Zeremoniensaal
Plenary Session
  • Leadership

Official welcome to Impact Days 2024 with inspiring speeches and a moment of reflection to start together.