Future & Beyond

24–27 Jun 2024

Future & Beyond

24 June 2024 - 27 June 2024

Welcome to Future & Beyond B2B & B2S!

Future & Beyond is a 4-day online event where engineering students and companies from the aerospace sector will find the best opportunity to gather together and share opinions, experiences and discussions about current affairs inside the industry.
In this event, your company will find the best environment to recruit your future employees, claim your projects, find collaboration possibilities with other companies and much more!

During the Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Students (B2S) you will be able to discuss with other companies representatives, improve your network, find endless collaboration and partnership opportunities as well as discuss with young people and find your future employer or employee!

How do participants benefit from attending Future & Beyond?

  • Networking opportunities: Future & Beyond provides a great opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded individuals, as well as experts in your field. You can make valuable connections that can help you grow your career or business.

  • Career development: Future & Beyond also provides opportunities for career development, such as meeting with recruiters, or participating in mentoring sessions. This is possible thanks to the B2B&B2S meetings held in this same platform.

  • Knowledge sharing: Future&Beyond t features expert speakers who share their insights and knowledge on a particular topic. This can provide attendees with new ideas, perspectives, and strategies that they can apply to their work or personal life.

  • Inspiration: Attending the event can be inspiring, providing participants with new ideas and motivation to achieve their goals.

  • Stay up-to-date with the aersopace industry trends: The event showcases the latest products, services, innovations and trends in a particular industry or field. By attending it, participants can stay informed about what's new and what's on the horizon.

  • Have fun: Lastly, the event will be a lot of fun! It offers a chance to get out of the office or home, socialize with others, and enjoy new experiences. Attending it can be a great way to break up the routine and do something different and exciting.



  • Panel discussion

  • Industry talk

  • Workshop

  • B2B & B2S meetings

ALTER Technology

  • Industry talk

  • B2B & B2S meetings

Hyper Wind


International Space University




MTU Aero Engines

Attending: Roundtables

Space Economy Academy



  • Soft Skills Training


  • Industry talk