Benelux Space4Defence

19 Feb 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

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Benelux Space4Defence

19 February 2024|

Brussels, Belgium

Auguste Reyerslaan 80

Blue Point Building

Welcome to the Benelux Space4Defense!

The day before the NATO reverse industry day in Brussels on February 20th, Luxinnovation (with the support of the Luxembourg Directorate of Defence), the Belgium Security and Defence Industry Association (AGORIA/BSDi), and the Netherlands Defence and Security Industry Association (NIDV) will organize the second BeNeLux “Space4Defence” Industry Day.

This event will take place in the Blue Point building at Auguste Reyerslaan 80, Brussels on the 19th of February 2024.

On this page you will find the program for the day and an overview of participating companies. If you want to take part, you can register by clicking the button above. Once your registration has been approved, you will be able to see of the industry representatives taking part in the event and reach out to them to plan a meeting.

We look forward to welcoming you at in Brussels on February 19th!

Why should I attend?


o    13:30 registration and coffee

o    14:00 opening, presentation and panel discussion.

  • Presentation from the MOD/Government representatives from the Netherlands (Col Bernard Buijs/Head Space Office RNLAF), Belgium (Cdr Philippe Camut, Head Space Office_-_ Air & Space Component at Belgian Defence) and Luxembourg (Mr Geoffroy Beaudot, Head Space Directorate of Defence) will provide a 10 min presentation about their space strategy, future space capabilities and corporation within the BENELUX countries.

  • From the European Commission, Marianne Ardisson (DEFIS) and Ms Eleni Patouni from the European Defence Agency will join the panel discussion.

  • Mr Thomas Tanghe from Space Tec Partners will lead the panel discussion.

o    15:30 Start B2M focused on the follow area’s:

  • Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR)

  • Satellite Communications (SATCOM)

  • Space Weather (SPWX)

  • Position, Navigation, Timing (PNT)

  • Space Domain Awareness (SDA)

  • Shared Early Warning (SEW)

  • Launchers

o    18:00 reception

Participants by nation







Participants & Meetings


